

Teaching Tools

Clicking the above button will open a new tab with links to:

• A history of the Texas Longhorn from 1521 to present

• 4th & 7th Grade Social Studies curriculum with Elementrary level activity sheets

• Texas history articles

• Downloadable High School Biology/Genetics ppt lessons

• College level conservation breeding practices lessons

CTLR Members’ Booklet


Live Conservation Texas Longhorn Steer illustrating beef primal cuts


Open a new tab with links to Genetics studies and Historical articles.

We have assembled a collection of published research for reference. We welcome submissions and recommendations to add to this dynamic library.

Traditional Texas Longhorn Cow blue roan

Audio & Videos

Open a new tab with links YouTube videos and embedded recorded interviews with long-time Texas Longhorn ranchers.

We welcome suggestions to add to this dynamic library and encourage videographers to submit their works for publication.

Cattlemen's Texas Longhorn Conservancy